Download Metal Slug for PC (Windows 10, 8 & 7)

Metal Slug is a video game of action and shooting in two dimensions, which precedes the rest of video games in the same series. Our protagonist will be a soldier who starts the game with a gun, which will have to go through the different scenarios shooting enemies and making any threat that crosses his path disappear.

metal slug for pc

Discover the game that started it all and gave birth to a legendary shooter series. In Metal Slug for pc we will find the original arcade version with improved graphics. It is an ideal game for lovers of arcade video games of the time or simply for those who want to try something of this style ensuring a good level of quality.

Play Metal Slug on Windows PC

When it comes toplaying Metal Slug we will have three different game modes that will allow you to become the best soldier:

Arcade mode, which contains the main mission of the game based on the original arcade machine. It features the soldiers Marco and Tarma as protagonists, two companions who will have to perform the best maneuvers using the Metal Slug tank. This game mode has 6 missions that we will have to complete.

The mission mode, which allows you to select between the different stages available in the game as you wish. It is possible to enter these missions alone or with a friend (as long as our friend has also unlocked them).

The online mode allows you to enjoy multiplayer games to complete different missions with your friends. We will be able to play through the Steam platform with our steam friends or with new random players from anywhere in the world.

Download Metal Slug free for PC Windows

To download Metal Slug for Pc and start enjoying, we will only have to proceed to purchase it through the Steam platform (You can access directly through this link).

There we will find several options: the original Metal Slug game and different Packs that include this game (the Metal Slug pack of 2, the Metal Slug Bundle, and the Neo Geo Bundle Pack).

Metal Slug PC Datasheet

Name Metal Slug
Genre Run & Gun, Action, 2D
Developer SNK, Nazca Corporation, Noise Factory, Mega Enterprise
Release date December 2006
Size 500 MB