Download Notability for PC (Note generator)

Notability (Android & iOS) is a mobile application that we can use on our PC, using it as a tool for annotations and note taking in PDF and other formats. Numerous teachers, students, artists and professionals are delighted with this tool so necessary to take ideas, take notes and ultimately, unleash our creativity, without leaving anything saved in the inkwell and without falling into oblivion any matter that crosses our minds.

Forget about papers, posits, and other notebooks where we write down ideas in parallel, we can give them life in electronic format, thus saving many steps and always having at hand everything we need at that precise moment. To do this, we just need to download Notability app on our PC and thus function in a more organized and clean way in our day to day.


With Notabilityfor PC we can take advantage of all the benefits offered by this application from our Windows, getting a service identical to the mobile app.

Functions and features:

  • Great variety of note-taking tools (highlighters, text, audio among others)
  • Make annotations in any format you are working on
  • Different templates with customizable spacing and backgrounds
  • Add photos, GIFs, web pages and much more
  • Carry your notes always with you without the weight or waste of paper
  • Correct any idea with precision
  • Different styles
  • Record and playback audio
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Share ideas as a presentation
  • Simply import files and share without limit
  • Create multiple notes in the same place with the Multinotes feature


How to install Notability for PC (Windows 7, 8 and 10)

Since Notability is an application that a priori is only available on Android and iOS, we will need to use an emulator for PC that allows us to install and use it on Windows. To do this, we will only need to follow a few simple steps:

    1. Download and install BlueStacks on Windows.
    2. Open BlueStacks as administrator.
    3. Download the latest version of Notability from these two links on Drive and Mega, respectively: link1 and link2
    4. Click on the right side area “Install APK”
    5. Select the APK file you want to install.
    6. Once this is done, and after waiting a few seconds, the app will be ready to use normally from BlueStacks.
    7. If you have any doubts about BlueStacks, you can consult our complete guide on the subject.

Following these simple instructions you can get the Notability application with all its features from your PC.