Download Play Store (Google Play) for PC Windows [GUIDE]

If you are looking for how to download and install Google Play Store on PC easily, in this simple guide we will show you how to do it quickly and easily.

Google Play Store is the native Android Apps and Games store, which allows us to access endless possibilities from our mobile. What many people do not know is that we can download and install Google Play Store on our Windows PC quickly and easily. In this way, we can access all available applications from our PC.

As you may have already guessed, to install Play Store on Windows we will need an Android emulator for PC. Without this emulator, it would be impossible for us to install Play Store or any of the applications it contains on our PC. For this particular guide we will use BlueStacks, the best Android emulator for PC.

How to download Play Store for PC + Installation GUIDE

The steps for downloading and installing Play Store on PC are as follows:

  1. Download Bluestacks 5. (It is totally free).
  2. Open the BlueStacks installation file and click “install now”. The process is very simple, but the installation may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.
  3. After you have installed it on your computer, click “install now”.
  4. Once installed on our PC, open BlueStacks and sign in to your Google Play account (you can use the same one you use on your mobile). If you don’t have an account yet, you can easily create a new one.
  5. Once you log in to your account, the application will be installed and ready to use on your PC.

How to install applications and games from Google Play Store on PC

As we have already mentioned, Google Play has countless quality applications and games totally free. Once you have installed it following our guide, you can access its entire catalog from your PC. Of course, you must install the applications on BlueStacks using Google Play Store before you can use them. These are the steps you will have to follow (they are identical to the ones you would have to follow on an Android mobile):

  1. Open the Google Play Store on BlueStacks.
  2. Look for the app or game you want to install.
  3. Click on “Install.”
  4. When the installation is finished, you will be able to access the application or game from the main panel of the emulator.